
Field of Activity: Expert

Publicly appointed and sworn expert, expert for soil protection according to §18 BBodSchG (German Soil Protection Act), subject area 5 (remediation)

As publicly appointed and sworn expert and/or soil protection expert we support you as private expert and in court.
As publicly appointed and sworn expert for commercial environmental risks, Prof. Eipper is the specialist for all environmental issues on the acquisition and sales (M&A) or project financing. His special topics are complex contaminated site cases, environmental liability and practical expert reports relating to soil science and hydrology. In an interdisciplinary team of Envi Experts the challenging tasks will be examined, analyzed and evaluated competently and knowledgeably.
Dipl. Geol. Dipl. Ing. Wolfgang Zils supports as expert according to §18 BBodSchG, subject area 5 (remediation). His main activities include the technical analysis and conception of safeguarding measures for landfills and mining areas as well as investigation- and remedial measures by projects at contaminated sites of all sizes. In particular, he also processes complicated perpetuation of evidence procedures in the area of soil protection.

Sector: Industry

Our important services in the industry sector are environmental due diligence, contaminated sites, demolition, risk analyses, compliance as well as cradle 2 cradle.

Sector: Real Estate

Evaluation and development of real estate through analysis of aerial photographs, location evaluation, contaminated site management as well as the detection and removal of building pollutants.

Sector: Expert

As publicly appointed and sworn expert and/or soil protection experts we will assist you as private expert and in court.

Sector: Research

We help our customers with the implementation of research projects, promote the development of innovative tools and supervise Bachelor- and Master theses.